52 Lists: Quirky Things About Me

I missed last week’s list, so I’ll include that first… It was “Favorite restaurants.”

  • The Old Spaghetti Factory
  • Olive Garden
  • Vineyard Grill (this is a local place that serves delicious Korean food and awesome burgers and fries)
  • Storr’s (another local place where we go for biscuits and gravy in the mornings sometimes)
  • Burgerville (a regional chain with amazing halibut fish and chips)

And now onto this week’s list: Quirky things about me.

quirky things list

  • I’m barely 5 feet tall. As in, if I’m not wearing shoes, that number might be a bit too generous.
  • I don’t wear pants, only skirts and dresses.
  • I used to drink a lot of iced tea, but last summer (I think… may have been the summer before) I switched to water. Now plain old water (I don’t even like adding things like lemon or cucumber) is my beverage of choice 99% of the time. I do buy distilled, though, because the tap water in our town is pretty gross.
  • I am not an animal person. I grew up in a house full of pets, but as an adult I prefer an animal-less home. Especially dogs. I really, really hate dogs.
  • I’ve had four surgeries in my life: one to get my wisdom teeth out when I was 21 and three c-sections.
  • On the subject of those c-sections…: I’ve had one vaginal birth and three c-sections. I wanted a vbac for my most recent baby, but it just didn’t work out with the hospital and insurance. Luck would have it that my water broke the day my surgery was scheduled and I started contracting right away. The pain of that was so intense (and I was only in labor for two hours) that I think I’ll take my chances with additional c-sections if we have more children. (My recovery was really easy this time around; I never even took anything stronger than 800mg Ibuprofen for the pain.)
  • My vaginal birth was with Seahawk, my oldest. I was in labor with him for 33 hours.
  • I’ve never tried smoking. I don’t understand the draw, so I never will try it.
  • I’ve never really drunk alcohol, either. We bought a bottle of wine once, “just to see,” and it was so foul that we’ll never do that again! I use cooking wine (from the vinegar aisle in the store) instead of regular wine for cooking, even.
  • I was a JV cheerleader in 10th grade.
  • I haven’t been on an airplane since 1997. Not because I don’t like to fly, because it just hasn’t worked out.

For more random things about me, check out this post from 2013 and this one from 2014. Some of the things on those lists are repeated here, but many aren’t.


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52 lists with Chasing Slow

52 Lists: My Favorite Scents

my favorite scents

Scents are some of the very first memories we have. They connect people with bits and pieces of their pasts, and they can serve to comfort us. We all like different things as far as scents go, and that’s a good thing. What we like to smell helps to make us who we are. Here are some of my favorite scents.

  • Carnations
  • Roses
  • Freshly baked (or baking) bread
  • Freshly baked (or baking) cookies
  • Spaghetti sauce in the crock pot
  • Dragonfly’s (my 9-month-old son) breath

What are your favorite scents?


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52 lists with Chasing Slow

52 Lists: August To-Do List

August to-do list

This week’s assignment for the 52 lists project is to write about our goals for August. Mine are few and finite, but here they are:

  • Finalize our curriculum plans for the 2016-17 homeschool year
  • Keep up on meal plans
  • Organize the kids’ clothes and pack away what doesn’t fit for younger brothers and/or future siblings
  • Finish reading the book for September’s Book Club post
  • Empty my stuff out of the closet in the little boys’ room (We recently moved the younger two into what was my sewing room. Since I gave up recreational sewing, I didn’t need a room for it anymore.)
  • Continue to attend Aqua Zumba twice a week

I think that’ll do. 🙂


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52 lists with Chasing Slow

52 Lists: Sports I Like

Sports I Like

This week’s list is very similar to last week’s. Last week was “Games I Like”; this week is “Sports I Like.” I mentioned a couple of sports on last week’s list, but I’ll mention them again this week since that’s the official theme.

  • Tennis
  • Basketball
  • Bicycling
  • American Football (occasionally)
  • Swimming

What are your favorite sports?


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52 lists with Chasing Slow

52 Lists: Games and Apps

favorite games

This week’s list is a super light one. Here are some of my favorite games and apps.

Board/Card Games:

  • Clue
  • Mancala (pictured above)
  • Archery Dice (when I play with the kids)
  • Snake Oil (also fun with the kids)
  • Nuts (card game I haven’t played in years, but was always super fun when hubby and I played with his parents before we were married; some people call it Nertz, so you might know it by that name)

Outdoor Games:


  • Matching with Friends (I’m wmr1601 if you want to find me)
  • Gummy Drop

What are your favorite games to play?


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52 lists with Chasing Slow

52 Lists: Things and Places that Make Me Feel Safe

After the difficult list of last week, I’m happy to think over something a bit “easier” for this week’s list.

feel safe

  • At home, usually snuggling with my children or husband
  • Under a homemade quilt, whether on my bed or outside for an activity
  • The library
  • The yarn store
  • At church
  • Knitting

Thanks again to Chasing Slow for hosting this linkup.


52 lists with Chasing Slow

What makes you feel safe?


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