Ground Beef Sausage (method/recipe)

We don’t eat pork, which means no traditional sausage. Usually I just buy turkey sausage, but with the quarantine and grocery stores being slow to restock, I can’t always find it these days. After looking around online a bit, I hobbled together a few different recipes for making your own sausage out of ground beef. It was based partially on what I had on hand, as well as what I know to be the flavors my family likes. 

Ground Beef Sausage

3 pounds ground beef

3 tablespoons brown sugar

3 tablespoons fennel seeds

2 tablespoons dried thyme

1 teaspoon dried oregano 

1 teaspoon garlic powder 

1 teaspoon salt

1 teaspoon pepper

1/2 teaspoon (or more to taste) crushed red pepper

Place all ingredients into a large bowl. Use your hands to mix all the spices through the ground beef as thoroughly and evenly as you can.

Divide the mixture into food storage bags in whatever portions make sense for your family (I do 2 meals out of this recipe, but we have a large family). Put the bags in the fridge to cure for at least 24 hours. After this time, you can either use or freeze your sausage as you would any other bulk sausage (spaghetti, biscuits and gravy, etc).

4B197F7C-A7D6-4598-A6CE-0B58C7917306While this tastes pretty much just like a traditional sausage, it still behaves like and has the texture of ground beef. For that reason, it might take a time or two before your mouth understands what it’s experiencing!


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Recipe: Taco Rice

One of the things I’ve struggled with the past few weeks is meal planning for people who have severe dietary limitations – no poultry, limited dairy, allergies to several fruits and vegetables, and a distinct hatred for most others (no, none of these issues are my kids – it’s the other grownups we live with right now causing the “problems”). Most of what we’ve been eating is pork chops and salad or tacos. I was looking for something different the other day to use up some ground beef I had on hand when I remembered one of my favorite simple meals – something I made up a while ago that I call “Taco Rice.” It fit the dietary guidelines, and is really yummy. Plus, it’s a one pot meal! Today, I’m sharing the recipe here. Enjoy!

One Pan Recipe Taco Rice

Taco Rice (serves 6-8)

  • 1.5 pounds ground beef (or turkey)
  • 2 packets (or equivalent homemade) taco seasoning
  • 4 cups water (instead of the amount listed on the seasoning packets)
  • 1 jar nacho cheese
  • 2 cups uncooked long grain rice (or 4 cups instant rice)

Cook and crumble the ground beef until no pink remains; drain fat. Return to pan and add seasoning, water, and nacho cheese. Stir to dissolve the seasoning and melt the cheese. Bring to a boil. Add the rice. Reduce heat to low; cover and cook 20 minutes. If you’re using instant rice, follow the directions on the box for timing once you add the rice to the pan. Gently fluff the rice and serve.

I like to eat this either plain or scooped up with tortilla chips. It’s also good with a super simple salad, and would make a wonderful tortilla filling.


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Creamy Chicken and Pasta (Recipe)

We recently got a Costco membership as a belated anniversary present to ourselves. One of our first purchases was a book entitled A Year of Recipes. The premise is that there’s a new recipe for every single day of the year (including February 29th). Some of them aren’t super helpful when it comes to mealtime because they’re desserts or require some specialty ingredients, but a fair number of them are easy to pull off with little or no notice. The recipe I want to share today is one of those.

In the middle of packing up the house for an upcoming move (this week!), I wanted to make something for dinner that would use up some of the food we have on hand. The one for the specific day I was cooking (Saturday the 25th) was this one. I was quite skeptical based on the ingredient list (it seemed too basic), but when I tasted it, I was absolutely sold on this recipe. It was so delicious, and it’s going to make its way into our regular rotation of meals.

pasta dish

I had to make a few alterations to the base recipe in order to use up stuff we already had (sherry for white wine, ditalini for penne, and green beans for peas), and the recipe I’m including today is my modified version rather than the official one from the book.

Creamy Chicken and Pasta ~ serves 6-8

  • 4-6 chicken breasts (about 1 1/2 pounds)
  • 1 pound bite size pasta
  • 3/4 cup cooking sherry
  • 1 pound frozen green beans
  • 1 cup whipping cream
  • 1 tbsp dried parsley flakes
  1. Cook pasta according to package directions.
  2. Cut chicken into strips (or cubes) and cook over moderately high heat until cooked through. Add the cooking sherry and cook over high heat until the liquid is mostly evaporated.
  3. Add the green beans and cover the pot. Cook for 5-6 minutes, until the green beans are hot and tender.
  4. Add the whipping cream, cooked pasta, and parsley. Cover and cook for 2-3 minutes to soften the parsley and thicken the sauce.
  5. Serve hot with the side dish of your choice.

We ate this meal with glazed carrots, but it would be equally delicious with “normal” pasta sides: salad, garlic bread, etc.


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Recipe: Baked Ziti

Baked Ziti Recipe

Baked Ziti is one of those dishes that most of my family has always enjoyed – everyone but Munchkin. Since he really dislikes it when made traditionally, I rarely served it. But then I came across a recipe on AllRecipes that I thought might make him like it more. It called for Provolone instead of Ricotta; other than that, it was practically the same. So I made it one night, and it was a huge hit! We all like baked ziti this way much better than the “lasagna but with bite size noodles” way. Enjoy!

Baked Ziti

Preparation Time: 10 minutes

Cooking Time: 40 minutes

  • 1 1/2 pounds ground beef or turkey (or a wide variety of chunky vegetables – mushrooms, zucchini, carrots, etc)
  • 1 jar (28 ounces) spaghetti sauce (or equivalent homemade)
  • 1 pound bite-size pasta, any shape
  • 6 slices provolone cheese
  • 6 tbsp sour cream
  • 1 cup shredded mozzarella
  • 1/4 cup grated Parmesan
  1. Brown meat or cook vegetables until done. Add spaghetti sauce and simmer while the pasta cooks.
  2. Cook pasta according to package directions, draining it at the lowest recommended cooking time. You’ll be baking it after this, so even if you prefer softer pasta, drain it now. It will continue to cook in the oven.
  3. Add pasta to sauce and combine well.
  4. In a 13×9 baking dish coated with cooking spray, add half the pasta. Layer the provolone slices over the top, then top each one with a tablespoon of sour cream. Spread the sour cream evenly over the whole dish.
  5. Add the other half of the pasta. Top with the mozzarella and Parmesan.
  6. Bake at 350 F for 30 minutes or 425 F for 20 minutes, until the cheese is melted and the whole dish is hot and bubbly.


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Salmon Cakes (recipe)

salmon cakes

There are probably as many recipes for fish cakes as there are cooks who make them. I recently came across one for salmon cakes that included Rice Krispies, but we didn’t have any on hand. I decided to try making it using bread crumbs instead, since the cereal was the only ingredient we didn’t already have. When I got it all mixed together, I could tell they were going to try to fall apart on me (which seems to happen all the time with fish cake recipes as they’re written), so I added a little bit of mayonnaise to help them hold together better. It worked like a charm! Now these delicious patties are one of our favorite easy go-to lunches; it’s not much harder than a sandwich (especially in my house where everyone likes a different kind), but it gives us a nice hot lunch that feels more like a meal than a lot of other options. I hope you like it too.

If you don’t like salmon, or just don’t have any in the house, this could be made just as easily with tuna.

Salmon Cakes

Preparation Time: 10 minutes

Cooking Time: 15 minutes

Makes 9 patties

  • 5 cans salmon (5 ounces each), drained
  • 2 large eggs
  • 1 tbsp dill weed
  • 1 tsp mustard
  • 3/4 cup bread crumbs
  • 1/4 cup reduced fat mayonnaise
  1. In a large bowl, beat the eggs.
  2. Mix in bread crumbs, dill weed, and mustard to create a slurry.
  3. Add salmon and combine well.
  4. Stir in mayo to create a paste-like mixture (think meatballs or meatloaf).
  5. Shape mixture into balls, then flatten into patties. I usually get 9 decent sized cakes from this recipe, but you could easily make smaller ones for a side dish instead of these main-dish sized ones.
  6. Saute in hot oil 5-7 minutes per side, until golden brown and heated through.


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Recipe: Creamy Chicken Noodle Soup

Creamy Chicken Noodle Soup Recipe

As the weather cools down here in the northern hemisphere, we start craving warmer foods. It was absolutely pouring down rain earlier this week, and staying home and out of it wasn’t an option (too many appointments). So I decided that while I was out anyway, I was going to make a trip to the store to pick up some ingredients to make a soup for lunch. The result was this, and I must say, it was easily the most delicious chicken noodle soup I’ve ever tasted, and definitely the best soup I’ve ever made. Enjoy!

Creamy Chicken Noodle Soup
Serves 8
Write a review
454 calories
34 g
168 g
25 g
25 g
13 g
471 g
665 g
2 g
0 g
10 g
Nutrition Facts
Serving Size
Amount Per Serving
Calories 454
Calories from Fat 220
% Daily Value *
Total Fat 25g
Saturated Fat 13g
Trans Fat 0g
Polyunsaturated Fat 2g
Monounsaturated Fat 8g
Cholesterol 168mg
Sodium 665mg
Total Carbohydrates 34g
Dietary Fiber 4g
Sugars 2g
Protein 25g
Vitamin A
Vitamin C
* Percent Daily Values are based on a 2,000 calorie diet. Your Daily Values may be higher or lower depending on your calorie needs.
  1. 1 yellow onion, diced
  2. 4 boneless, skinless chicken thighs (or you can substitute 2 breasts)
  3. 2 bags frozen vegetables, whatever kind you like (12 ounces each)
  4. 8 cups chicken broth
  5. 1/2 pound egg noodles
  6. 1 pint cream
  7. 2 pinches dried basil
  8. 2 pinches dried oregano
  9. 3 pinches dried thyme
  1. In a splash of oil, saute the onion until it softens, about 5 minutes.
  2. Add the chicken and brown. Don't worry about cooking it through just yet; it will finish cooking in the broth.
  3. Add the vegetables and heat through. (I used one bag of peas and carrots, and another of corn.)
  4. Pour in the broth and bring to a boil. Add the herbs. Reduce heat slightly and simmer for 10-12 minutes, until the chicken is cooked through and the vegetables are soft.
  5. Add the egg noodles and cook for another 7 minutes (or according to package directions).
  6. Stir in the cream and heat through.
  7. Serve with your favorite sandwiches, bread, or crackers.
Ladybug Daydreams

This recipe has been linked up at Try a New Recipe Tuesday.

Update: I was the featured recipe for the week I linked up! Special thanks to Lisa for hosting.

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Easy Homemade Chicken Taquitos (Recipe)

Easy Homemade Chicken Taquitos Recipe

Have you ever had taquitos? I only have a few times, but the other day, I got one of those pregnancy cravings for them. Don’t ask where it came from since they’re not something I eat often enough to really “know” about, but there it was. So I looked up the basic method on my favorite recipe website ( and modified it to fit our tastes, budget, and what we had on hand. Enjoy!


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Easy Chicken Taquitos
Yields 30
Write a review
Prep Time
45 min
Cook Time
15 min
Total Time
1 hr
Prep Time
45 min
Cook Time
15 min
Total Time
1 hr
100 calories
13 g
17 g
2 g
7 g
1 g
54 g
79 g
0 g
0 g
2 g
Nutrition Facts
Serving Size
Amount Per Serving
Calories 100
Calories from Fat 21
% Daily Value *
Total Fat 2g
Saturated Fat 1g
Trans Fat 0g
Polyunsaturated Fat 1g
Monounsaturated Fat 1g
Cholesterol 17mg
Sodium 79mg
Total Carbohydrates 13g
Dietary Fiber 1g
Sugars 0g
Protein 7g
Vitamin A
Vitamin C
* Percent Daily Values are based on a 2,000 calorie diet. Your Daily Values may be higher or lower depending on your calorie needs.
  1. 30 corn tortillas
  2. 6 boneless, skinless chicken breasts
  3. 1 cup salsa (your favorite)
  4. 1/2 cup shredded cheddar cheese, optional
  5. oil, for brushing
For the filling
  1. Poach the chicken breasts in broth or water for 10-15 minutes, until cooked through. (Poaching is recipe talk for boiling.)
  2. Shred the chicken using two forks.
  3. Add the salsa and toss to coat, using the same forks that you shredded the chicken with.
To build the taquitos
  1. Coat a large baking sheet (mine is 11x17) with oil.
  2. Warm your tortillas. This makes them easier to roll and less likely to crack and break. You can do this by wrapping them in damp towels and microwaving, placing them in a hot oven for 10-15 minutes, or warming them in a dry skillet for 30-60 seconds per side.
  3. Place a small amount of the chicken mixture on the edge of a tortilla.
  4. Top with a slight sprinkling of cheese, if using.
  5. Roll the tortilla up tight.
  6. Place seam side down on the prepared baking sheet.
  7. Repeat with remaining tortillas.
  8. Brush each taquito with oil. This helps them get nice and crispy in the oven without drying out.
  9. Bake at 475F for 15 minutes.
  10. Let cool 5 minutes before serving.
  1. When the taquitos are rolled properly, they should look like super-skinny enchiladas without sauce.
Serving ideas
  1. Add additional salsa, some sour cream, and/or guacamole to each plate for dipping.
  2. Serve taquitos just like you would enchiladas or other Mexican fare, with Spanish (or Mexican) rice and refried beans.
Ladybug Daydreams