TabletClass Math (review)

Disclosure: I received this complimentary product through the Homeschool Review Crew

Do you struggle to teach math to your high school students? Is your current Algebra (or geometry or pre-calculus) curriculum just not quite working as well as you’d hoped? Let’s take a look at something new that you may not have heard of before. TabletClass Math is a course taught by John Zimmerman, who prides himself on helping any student – any student – develop good math skills. Today I’ll be discussing his Algebra 1 course.

There are five steps to each TabletClass Math lesson:

  • Watch the video lesson and take notes
  • View and complete practice problems
  • Correct their work
  • Watch the answer videos for full explanation
  • Click “complete and continue” to be moved on to the next lesson

The video lessons tend to run about 10-20 minutes each, which is a good length for high school math. The explanations he provides for each topic are thorough, and give students enough information to succeed in their practice problems. As you noticed, there are two steps in the “correcting” portion of the lesson – watch the videos for explanations as well as look at the answer key for the solutions. This allows students to fully comprehend anything they may have gotten wrong and learn better for the future. As students click “complete and continue,” the program shows them how much of the program they have completed (using percentages).

There are 15 chapters in the program, and each one has at least 3 but fewer than 10 lessons plus a quiz. Because the program is recorded, it is considered an “on demand” curriculum, meaning your student can do their math lessons any time of the day or night that works in your family’s schedule. There is also a parent portal to help you as the parent/administrator keep tabs on your child’s progress through the course.

The chapters in the Algebra 1 course are the same basic concepts you’d expect to see in any class of this nature, and include intro to algebra; real numbers and mathematical expressions; solving equations; graphing equations; writing linear equations; inequalities; systems; absolute value; powers and exponents; polynomials and factoring; quadratic equations; functions and relations; rational expressions; radical expressions; and data measurement/probability. As you can see, it’s a full course load and would provide your child with the full year of high school math credit.

When it’s time for your student to do the practice problems, they’ll need to work on separate paper. The worksheet is a PDF file that can be viewed online or downloaded for your convenience.

Members of the Homeschool Review Crew had the opportunity to discuss 5 different courses from TabletClass Math: Pre-Algebra, Algebra 1, Geometry, Algebra 2, and Pre-Calculus. I encourage you to click through and read more of those reviews.


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