Bible Blueprints (review)

Disclosure: I received this complimentary product through the Homeschool Review Crew.

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Last year, I reviewed Bible Breakdowns from Teach Sunday School. Those were a product that gave you a short summary of each book of the Bible. Today, I have a very similar product to show you called Bible Blueprints (also by Teach Sunday School).

The cover image of the Old Testament and New Testament Bible blueprints

the bible blueprint for 1 JohnThere is one set for the Old Testament and another for the New Testament. The big difference between Bible Breakdowns and Bible Blueprints is that every single one of the Bible Blueprints fits onto a single page. If you print your PDFs in color, you’ll see an easy-reference color code that helps you to differentiate each part of the breakdown. At the top of each page is the name of the book, the order it appears in its respective testament, how many chapters it has, and its literature type. That part of the blueprint takes up just a small amount at the top. Just below this, there is also a short summary of the book. The main guts of the information is below that, broken down into color-coded segments. There are between one and seven of these segments per book, and they help you to understand what will be in the book, in the order it will be there. You know, like a blueprint!

I think these blueprints would be a good addition to anyone’s Bible study time. They would be an especially valuable resource for someone teaching a Bible class. You could give one to each person and use them as a reference sheet for the course. They won’t take the place of a different curriculum (if Bible curriculum is something you use), but for someone who wants to study the Bible on its own, they are a valuable resource to help guide you through the process of understanding what is in each book. They will show you what is there before you read it, allowing you to focus more on the Bible itself. Knowing the gist of what you’re reading in the Bible can be very helpful, so you’re less likely to be confused by the text.

Make sure to head over to the Homeschool Review Crew and see how other Crew members used these in their homeschools (since I wrote just an informational review today).


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