1. Love this!! I’ve been thinking about making baby food this time around. Cloth diapering is still interesting to me…I feel like I should…but it seems like SO MUCH DARN WORK! đŸ™‚

    • Making baby food is so easy :). And much cheaper than the jars. I bought those 3 organic yams for about $4 and got 28 cubes plus a full jar of food for that. I would only have gotten 3 or 4 jars of organic baby food for that price. And I can be confident there’s nothing in SF’s food but food.

      Sanz, seriously email me about cloth diapering any time you want. I won’t try to convince you if you’re not interested, but you’ve commented to me on my blog & yours about it several times, so it’s apparent to me you’ve got at least an interest in trying. I’m totally willing to share my experiences in both trying to find the cloth diapering solution that works for us (seriously, it’s NO harder than disposables) and how it’s working now that we’ve been doing it for 6+ months. That, too, has saved us loads of money. My email is wmr1601@gmail.com.

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