As you all know, 2014 saw some big changes in my blog. First, I joined the Schoolhouse Review Crew. This commitment has been really good for me in several ways. It helps to make sure I blog regularly. That’s not too hard, since I love sharing my thoughts and ideas on these pages, but knowing that it’s expected of me is a pretty good motivator on those “I just don’t want to” weeks. I’ve learned a lot about social media and blogging by being a part of that group of wonderful ladies. And let’s not forget the curriculum! I have the wonderful opportunity to try out different things and share them here with all of you.
Besides the Crew, you’ll remember that I also changed my blog name and platform earlier this month. That was probably the biggest change to “my space,” and it’s one I haven’t regretted for one second. I love the new name and URL!
As a year end wrapup, I thought it would be neat to share some of my 2014 stats with you guys. Because of the change so late in the year, these milestones will be for my old blog, Simplicity Breeds Happiness, but it’s all my thoughts and writings, and since all of those posts are now on this blog anyway, I think it all still applies. Posting these numbers here will also provide a record of things; it will be interesting to see how much/if I grow this blog in 2015!
- My blog had about 3,800 pageviews in 2014.
- I uploaded 207 pictures – about 4 per week.
- On May 7th, I had 131 pageviews. This was my busiest day, and the day I posted Simplicity: Wardrobe. I happen to know that someone shared this post on Facebook (it wasn’t me because I don’t use Facebook). I don’t know who, but I know that that share is the reason I hit so many views that day. So to whoever you are, thank you!
- I added 142 posts (including this one) to the blog in 2014. This is more than half of the total posts on the blog.
- The most consecutive days I’ve posted is 5, and I’ve done that twice (once in April and once in July).
- My most common posting day is Friday. There were 33 Friday posts in 2014.
- Of my top 5 posts in 2014, two of them were written in 2013. That’s some good staying power! (I will add links to the top 5 posts at the bottom of this list.)
- I have had site visitors from 68 countries, but mostly from the US. Canada and Brazil are my next biggest.
- My post with the most comments of 2014 was the recipe I posted for Jamaican Jerk Chicken. If you still haven’t tried that recipe, you really should. It’s to die for.
- Of my top 5 commenters this year, 3 of them are the same person. (Hi, Sanz!) The others are Kemi and Lisa.
- Special thanks belongs to Heather of Only Passionate Curiosity for being my best referrer this year. Because she linked to my review of Spelling You See, I regularly get views on that post, even now, almost a year later.
- Other top referrers are (a domain I bought years ago and don’t really use except as a forward to my blog); Facebook (remember that wardrobe post?); Bloglovin’ (thanks to all my followers there. But would you please consider following Ladybug Daydreams, too?); and the Schoolhouse Review Crew forum (a private site for Review Crew members).
And now, the information from a year end post that everyone’s interested in: the top 5 posts. Feel free to click on these links and reread the posts. And if you haven’t commented on them before, take a minute to do so now!
5. The Tooth Fairy (and other mythical creatures) – written August 2013
4. Simplicity: Wardrobe – written May 2014
3. Summer Wardrobe – written May 2013
2. Homeschool Curriculum Review: Logic of English Rhythm of Handwriting – written May 2014
1. Homeschool Curriculum Review: Spelling You See – written March 2014
Thanks for sharing all these milestones with me!
God bless you all, and here’s to a great 2015!!
Oh! I am so glad that link brings you traffic. It was such a good review! 🙂 Sounds like you had a wonderful year.
Lots of traffic! Several hits a week :). Between you and search engines, that’s by far my most read post. Thanks for the compliment and comment in general :).
This is a great post! I should do something like this. Imitation, the sincerest form of flattery 🙂
Thanks, Kemi. I’m glad you liked it :). And of course, I don’t mind if you “copy” me! I got all of this information from a link that WordPress sent me via email. Maybe you got a similar one and can glean the information you want to share. (I didn’t share everything in what WP tracked, but most of it.)
Best wishes for a new year of continued growth in your blog! I love the ladybug design. Ladybugs are a good luck symbol in Chinese adoption, so they have special meaning for me.
Thanks so much :). I didn’t know that about ladybugs and Chinese adoption. Thank you for sharing.
That was fun to read, Wendy! I guess I’ve used different emails when commenting? 🙂 Here’s to another great year!
Ha! Yes, you did. I think at least one of the changes happened when my blog quit allowing you to comment for some reason. But then there was one other change in there for some reason too.
I love how you reviewed your whole blog year in details! What a great idea! I love the Toothfairy post!
Emilee recently posted…Min’s Move – A Story for Families Moving Abroad
Thanks so much for stopping by, Emilee :). And for your kind comment.