A Special Gift for You!

As you may know, I’m a member of The Schoolhouse Review Crew, which is run by The Old Schoolhouse magazine (TOS). An opportunity arrived recently for me to choose some of the digital content that TOS produces (which is wonderful!) that I could give to you for free! I’m so excited to be able to offer this to you, and I truly hope you’ll take advantage of it. The only thing I ask in return is that you head on over to Facebook (if you have an account there) and “like” the TOS page. They’re trying to up their numbers, and every little bit helps 🙂 There’s no obligation to do so in order to take advantage of my offers today, but it would be much appreciated if you did.

Here are the products I’m offering for you. I took care in selecting these items, and I hope there’s something for everyone. I’ve chosen one for spiritual health, one for homeschooling, and one for homemaking. Make sure to read all the way to the end of the post in order to get the coupon code. Enjoy!

Hey Mama! 31-day Devotional

Are you a weary mama, or looking for a little encouragement? This 31-day devotional will help you to stop and gain a little perspective as you hang out with Gena Suarez, publisher of The Old Schoolhouse® Magazine (TOS).

God Made Them All Wonder bundle

God made the most amazing critters and animals – from the fuzzy alpaca to creepy, six-legged insects, including the beautiful and graceful hummingbird. Begin a new adventure today studying this five e-book series.

Molly Green Magazine: Canning, Pantry, and Food Preservation Planner

This amazing planner is filled with checklists, plans and canning instructions to bring you one step closer to preserving your own food. Order your Canning Planner today!


I hope one, two, or all three of these items will bless you and your family today!

With the coupon code WRCREW16, you can get any of them absolutely free, just for being my reader. But hurry – the code is good only for the month of April.

Thank you from me, and thank you from the Old Schoolhouse.


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