1. For Valentine’s Day, Will sent me to a knitting class. I already knew how to crochet (obviously), but when I decided to give up sewing (more on that decision next week), we decided together that learning to knit would be a good thing for me. So I did. I’ve been knitting for 5 days now, and while I’m not that great yet, I have full confidence that I’ll get even better with time. Even after just five days, I’m already better at knitting than I was after years of crochet practice, and I did eventually get good at that.
To go along with the class, he bought me two skeins of practice yarn, knitting needles, and a how-to book. (The class was free so long as you purchased supplies from the store hosting the class. If you purchased your supplies elsewhere, there was a $20 fee. It ended up being cheaper to just buy good quality supplies from the yarn store and avoid the fee.)
2. If you follow me on Instagram, you might remember that Munchkin had pneumonia back in December. Other than feeling crummy, he didn’t really hate it. It gave him the opportunity to sit in bed and read for four days without Seahawk hounding him to play. Well, earlier this week, Small Fry got a cold which turned into pneumonia. I wish we could figure out why our family keeps getting so sick and stop it, but we can’t. (This is the third family member inside of a year to get it – Will had it last February.) Sigh. Anyway, it’s much sadder to quarantine a 3-year-old who doesn’t have a whole lot of interests that he can do himself (like reading). Fortunately, we have one of those little 7-inch screen portable DVD players, so Small Fry watched a lot of movies while he recovered. Actually, he watched Toy Story 2 a lot of times 😉
3. Dragonfly is getting so big! I already knew that the first year flies by with babies, but it’s so surprising every time anyway. I don’t know exactly how much he weighs or his length right now, but I know he’s getting bigger because his little wrists are beginning to get lost in the baby fat on his arms. Hehe.
4. We’ve done really good at making a meal plan and going to the grocery store once a week every week this month. It’s so easy for us to revert back to daily shopping sometimes, but it hasn’t been as bad as normal this month. It typically costs about $100 to $150 per week for 14 meals, which covers full meals for both lunch and dinner (and toaster waffles or cereal for breakfast) for five of us. Not too bad 🙂
5. I mentioned once before that I was doing Aqua Zumba. Well, I’m still doing that twice a week. The only times I’ve missed since I started back in August are the eight weeks during my c-section recovery. I’m not that much thinner (but a little… I think), but I’m in much better health and I’m quite a bit stronger. So, yay for that!