Last month, when I did book club questions for At the Water’s Edge, the response to those posts was amazing – beyond anything I expected. In fact, one of my colleagues at the Schoolhouse Review Crew, Lori at At Home: where life happens, liked the idea so much that she asked if she could join me in this new endeavor. Thrilled, I told her, “Of course!” So we’re doing just that – starting a virtual Book Club together. The way it works is this: anyone who wants to participate (and this includes you!) reads the book. We’re doing one book per month, and we provide links to the questions we’ll be answering on our blogs. On the first Monday of the following month, answer the questions on your blog (don’t have a blog? That’s okay; more on how you can participate in a minute), and link up with Lori or me. We’ll have a linky to sign, and if I can manage to figure it out properly, signing on one of our blogs will show up on both of them. For those of you who don’t have a blog, you can participate by leaving comments on one (or both) of our blogs recording your answers to the questions. Or even just recording your answers in a private notebook and commenting to let us know that you’re reading along with us. At the end of the post where we’ve answered the questions ourselves, Lori and I will announce the next month’s book, along with providing links to the questions we’ll be answering. So, without further ado, the book we’ll be reading in March is
Pretty Baby
by Mary Kubica
The questions can be found on the author’s website, and the posts with our answers (and the reveal for the April book) will go live on April 4th. We hope you can join us!
Jennifer Altman
what a neat idea! I’ll have to see if I can get a chance to read this one!
Jennifer Altman recently posted…Stitch Fix–My 12th Fix
Book Club – Welcome! | At Home
[…] am joining forces with Wendy from Ladybug Daydreams to host an online book club. We are extending an invitation to everyone to join us. We plan to read a book, taking up to a […]
Looking forward to this! Thanks for letting me join in.
Lori recently posted…L2L – Middle School (not) Monday
Leah Courtney
I really want to do this and post on my book review blog. I’m going to try hard to make time for it. The book looks really good. And I’ve read and loved At the Water’s Edge. 🙂
Leah Courtney recently posted…A Unique Way to Study the Resurrection With Grapevine Studies (a Schoolhouse Crew Review)