Happy New Year!
Christmas brought a lot of new books into our home, and I’m excited to share about them over the next couple of months as we begin to read them all 🙂
Wendy (that’s me!)
Will found two books for me from some of my favorite authors, and I’m really excited to read both of them. The decision of which to read first came down to the one that felt better in my hand, especially since a lot of my reading happens while nursing Dragonfly. So this month, I’m reading At the Water’s Edge by Sara Gruen (author of Water for Elephants). It’s a period piece that takes place right at the end of World War II about a woman, her husband, and her father-in-law as they search for the Loch Ness Monster in Scotland.
Seahawk (6th grade)
He’s working his way through several things right now… He hasn’t finished the George Washington biography I wrote about last time I did one of these posts. He’s also reading Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban, and we got him a Star Wars special edition magazine for his “something to read” for Christmas that he’s enjoying.
Munchkin (4th grade)
Munchkin, as regular readers will know, is my reader. This kid will read anything you put in front of him. He was recently quarantined to his bedroom for 4 days while he recovered from pneumonia. He spent the first day of that quarantine sleeping. He felt better after just a day or so on the antibiotics, but because we have an infant we weren’t comfortable letting him out to risk passing the infection on to the rest of us for a few days after that. This was borderline a treat for him rather than a problem – it meant he had 3 solid days to do nothing but read and draw without his older brother giving him grief about not playing! During that half-week, he read the first three Harry Potter books in their entirety. He’s now about halfway through Goblet of Fire. His goal is to read the remainder of that series and then dive into his Christmas books. He received a single-volume Chronicles of Narnia that he’s excited to dive into, among other things. We won’t need to hit the library for him for the next 6-12 months at least!
Small Fry (3 years old)
Sometime in December, this guy decided he was really into trains. I’m not entirely sure what prompted it, but when asked what he wanted for Christmas, the answer every time was “Trains!” So we got him a beginner train set with the understanding that if he’s still interested on successive birthdays and Christmases, it would be easy to add on to. Additionally, we found on sale a book that had 6 Thomas the Tank Engine books all in one volume, so we picked that up for him. He’s loving the book, and will easily sit through 3 or more of the stories at once – assuming he can find someone to read that many to him!
What are you reading this month?
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Margaret @ Creative Madness Mama
Do you think it’s just a homeschooler thing to get so excited about books for Christmas? My Enginerd thinks I go over the top, but I think birthdays and Christmas are the best times to get kiddos excited about the topics for the upcoming year! This year is Ancient Egypt, and next year is Greece and Rome, so Santa brought a lot of mythology books as well as an Ancient Egypt puzzle!
Margaret @ Creative Madness Mama recently posted…Woodland Enchantress aka Christmas Fairy is finished!Â
annette @ a net in time
My boy became interested in trains around age three as well. Thomas became HIGHLY popular for a couple of years. 🙂
annette @ a net in time recently posted…Hymn Study: Onward Christian Soldiers