Picture of the Week: It’s Mine

Earlier this week, the bigger boys had ballet rehearsal (they’re gearing up for a performance next weekend). The ballet studio we use is pretty far from where we’re living right now (we’ll be moving closer mid to late summer), so I stay in town while they’re at class. This week, I took the two little boys to the park while we were waiting. They had loads of fun, but the funniest thing was Dragonfly. We brought a sippy cup of water for him because it was really hot that day, and every time he came down the slide, I asked him if he wanted me to hold his cup. He would pull it away from me and say “Mine!” (although when he says it, it sounds more like “Mah!”) and then head up the stairs again, tightly clutching his cup. He was so cute climbing and sliding with that cup held so close. 🙂

PITW Its Mine

Have a great weekend!


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Pictures of the Week: iPad Fun

The past few weeks have been crazy for us. About six weeks ago, our landlord told us he was selling our house, so we had to move. It’s been a frenzy of making plans and packing boxes since then, but we’ll finally settle into our new normal next week.

In the meantime, here’s a brief update on what’s been going on. 

The contractors that the landlord hired to replace the siding on the house cut our internet line, and the internet provider wasn’t terribly concerned with getting a tech to the house in a timely manner, so we canceled our service – hence the lack of activity here this week.

Will was tired of replacing our cheap Android phones every few months, so he upgraded us both to an iPhone 7. Our new service also came with an iPad apiece, so we’ve had fun learning the new system.

Here are a few funny pictures that we’ve taken using the new iPad.

Have a wonderful, Christ-centered Easter!


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Will on the Squeeze setting.

Will on the Squeeze setting.

Me on the Squeeze setting.

Me on the Squeeze setting.

Seahawk on the Twist setting.

Seahawk on the Twist setting.

Munchkin on the Squeeze setting.

Munchkin on the Squeeze setting.

Small Fry under the Thermal setting.

Small Fry under the Thermal setting.

Dragonfly on the Stretch setting.

Dragonfly on the Stretch setting.


Video of the Week: Dancing Baby

We spent a Monday evening a couple of weeks ago doing family movie night with one of Will’s and my favorite movies from our teen years: That Thing You Do! It’s such a great movie, and even a music non-lover like me really enjoys the songs along with the movie. Dragonfly loved dancing every time any of the songs would start – he was so cute!


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Have a great weekend!


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Picture of the Week: Poor Sick, Unhappy Baby

Dragonfly sick

This week has been one of illness in our family. Poor Dragonfly picked something up at church (I wish people would keep their kids home when they’re sick! We do.). He always ends up with back-to-back colds, it seems. He’s sick for a few days or a week, then he gets a day or two of health, and then he’s sick again right away. He’s currently on the second round of colds (this time). Here’s hoping it goes away soon and he stays healthy for a while.


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Picture of the Week: Static!

When I came home from the hospital after Dragonfly’s birth in 2015, I was surprised to find a living room set. Will had spent a reasonable amount of time while I was in recovery working out the details for purchasing and moving furniture (sofa, loveseat, and two tables) into our home. (Before this, we had two chairs, which wasn’t very conducive to having company over.) We have loved having the furniture, but it does have one downfall: it holds static electricity very well. Dragonfly’s hair in this picture shows just how much.


Have a great weekend!

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Picture of the Week: Snow Ballet

It’s not actually snowy where we live anymore, but these pictures show a really fun time that Small Fry and I had back when it was white. We’d just finished building a snowman together, and he wanted to practice some of the ballet moves that Seahawk had taught him (before he’d started taking his own class, which began in mid-January). It ended up looking like he was just doing jumping jacks. But he was having a blast, and that’s the most important thing!

Snow Ballet

Have a great weekend.


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Picture of the Week: Sweaters for Elephants

I came across this article earlier in the week, and it was something I definitely wanted to share because elephants are my absolute favorite animals. So for Picture of the Week this week, I’m sharing something that’s not about our family…

India is going through quite the cold snap, and one of the elephant refuges is concerned about their charges. To combat the cold, they’ve enlisted the help of some local ladies to knit giant sweaters for the elephants. What a cool thing to do!!


There are even more pictures, as well as good information, in the article I linked above. I encourage you to check it out.


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Picture of the Week: Ballet

In a casual conversation a few months ago, my husband learned something new about me: that I’d always wanted to take ballet classes as a child, but it had never worked out. He took that knowledge and found a class for adults who want to learn ballet but never have before, and I had my first session yesterday. It was really exciting, and I’m thrilled to be able to bring this childhood dream to fruition. Once I have a few more classes under my belt and I’ve learned more than just the very basic moves and stretches (and promptly forgotten most of them – that hour just flew by!), then I’ll write a proper post about my experience.

Have a great weekend!

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Picture of the Week: Ten


kimg0079Last week was one of birthdays in our family. On the same day, Munchkin turned 10 years old and Dragonfly turned 10 months old. I thought that was kind of neat 🙂 We had a dinner party for his grandparents over the weekend to celebrate. In early October, we’re planning to have a party for friends for both of the big boys’ birthdays (Seahawk’s is near the end of October, so early October is a nice in-between time).


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